Adding a query

Last updated on
June 23, 2022

The main goal of our amazing Queries tool is to allow linguists to immediately ask any questions they have during the localization process and reduce the back-and-forth.

This is how to add a query:

1. Click on the Add query button

2. Add file name, client ID, content, and query

💭 All these fields are required so as to provide the most complete information. If something is missing or not applicable, just put N/A into the field.  Please make sure that the query is relevant to the request, that a similar query hasn’t already been submitted, and that you’ve done a bit of research before you ask. We should also avoid questions that should be common gaming knowledge, such as “What does HP mean?” Your coordinator and project manager will vet every query before sending it to a client.

3. When everything is ready, hit the Save button

Adding reference files

After creating your query, you can access it and add reference files.

1. Click on the query from the Queries list

2. Scroll down to Reference files

3. Click on the files module to select your file(s)

Supported file formats: .jpg, .png, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .gif, .mp4  

Note: You can upload several files without worrying about the size, but we recommend you avoid sharing large files.


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