My company page

Last updated on
October 28, 2022

Note: Only the Admin user can edit the My company page.

We recommend you to complete the information in the My company and Billing/Shipping sections right away after registering the company account. This page is visible to the linguist service provider managing your projects.

In the My company section, you can add relevant information about your company.

Consider these requirements for adding your company logo:

  • Supports .png, .jpg, .svg, .webp, formats
  • Up to 3 MB limit
  • Images with a square aspect ratio

In the Contacts section, you will see all the users added as your team members from the Users page. Your LSP can see this list in order to verify the status of your team members. You can add more contacts at any time by inviting them from the Users page.

On the Billing/Shipping section, add the information you want to be used on quotes and invoices.

This information is required for your LSP to generate quotes on the Orders page.

Reporting a bug

If you encounter a bug, please report it to us using the customer support form located on the platform. Hit the Feedback button. We will be back to you as soon as we can.

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