Prompts Manager

Last updated on
February 27, 2024


With the "Prompts Manager" tool on the Alocai platform, project managers and coordinators of a project can select from over 130 AI prompts to configure the translation criteria of their different ModelWiz account(s) and languages without requiring Alocai support or additional costs. These prompts allow you to enhance the ModelWiz translation based on your project style guide.

With this tool, you will be able to:

- Align the output desired with your project style guide.

- Configure the output criteria per account and per language.

- Sync automatically the criteria selected with the ModelWiz account you are using in memoQ.

- Change the criteria whenever you need.


Prepare these settings:

  • At least one ModelWiz account generated from the "ModelWiz Dashboard".
  • Select the languages of your project using ModelWiz.
  • Make sure the main members under the "Overview" section are correct.
  • Have one of the following user roles:

All the following users can access the "Prompts Manager" by default besides that they can provide access to other users:

- Admin

- Project Manager

- Linguistic Coordinator

The following users require to be provided with the access to the "Prompts Manager":

- Linguist (internal team member)

- External vendors

Select the criteria per language

Alternative 1: Request a Linguist to select the criteria

1. Provide these guidelines to the linguists so they know how to proceed.

2. Grant access to the linguists so they can edit the criteria in their corresponding language.

3. Once each linguist selects the final criteria, they will submit the changes to let you know the criteria are ready for your review: you will receive an email notification that includes the name of the project (1), ModelWiz credentials and the language edited (2), together with the name of the linguist submitting the changes (3).

4. To sync all prompts, please check the next section Implementation of the criteria selected in this article.

πŸ’­ Only the users added as the main Project Manager and main Linguistic Coordinator on the "Overview" page of the project receive the email notification.

Alternative 2: The Project Manager or Coordinator select the criteria:

1. From the "ModelWiz Dashboard", open the "Prompts Manager".

2. Click on the ModelWiz account you want to edit.

3. The account will display a tab for each language pre-selected on the "ModelWiz Dashboard".

4. Tick the checkboxes of the criteria you want to apply to the output of each of the languages. The selection is saved automatically, and you can change it at any time.

πŸ’­ You will find a red badge for Unselected options when a language doesn’t have any of the criteria selected. It is not required to select the criteria for all your languages right away but don't forget to select it before starting pre-translating on MemoQ.

Implementation of the criteria selected

Once the criteria for your languages is already in place, you need to follow a few final steps to sync these changes with your ModelWiz account(s).

πŸ’­ Implementing the criteria is possible only for users with the following roles:

- Admin

- Project Manager

- Linguistic Coordinator

1. Chick the button Sync Changes located on the top right of the page.

2. Select the Requester from the dropdown (typically you should add yourself).

Only the following users can be selected as requester:

- Admin - Any Admin user from your organization.

- Project Manager - Only users added to the project.

- Linguistic Coordinator - Only users added to the project.

3. Use the message box to share any additional comments, if needed.

4. Click the button Send request.

5. Changes are automatically synced with the ModelWiz account meaning that the next pre-translations will include a set of prompts according to the criteria selected.

6. The user added as a Requester will receive a confirmation email, but no further action is required, your language criteria are already implemented into your project.

You can remove the access of linguists to "Prompts Manager" after prompts are synced to avoid applying any change afterwards. To do so, go back to the "Overview" page and click on the MW icon next to their name.



Report an issue

If you encounter a bug, please report it to us using the customer support form located on the platform. Hit the Feedback button. We will get back to you as soon as we can.



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